Dh Placement Process

At NAI Personnel, we understand that every hire you make is critical to the success of your company. That is why we’ve created a multi-step permanent placement process to ensure you only receive the most highly qualified and competent candidates available.


Understanding your organization's hiring needs

Whether you’ve been a client of NAI Personnel’s for years or you are beginning a new relationship with us, we make every effort to learn everything about your business.


Search and Recruiting

If you’ve done any hiring in the past, you understand that locating and recruiting the right candidate can be a very complex and time consuming task—but it doesn’t have to be. NAI Personnel’s recruiters offer you access to a deep network of professionals who are currently employed but may be looking for career advancement opportunities.


Screening and Qualification

After qualified candidates are uncovered, they are run through a complete and thorough screening process that includes skill testing to verify proficiency in pre-defined specialty areas, thorough reference checks, complete background checks to confirm experience, and a detailed salary history confirmation.


Lower Recruiting Costs


The simplicity of our search process culminates with the lowest placement fees for direct hire.